Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Farewell Mrs. Plourde

Valentines Day was a fitting time to say goodbye to our long time secretary Pam Plourde.  People from all walks of life in Spruce Grove came out to wish Pam well at a classy event organized by Pam's colleague and friend Mrs. Chris Ebdon.  The standing room only event was kicked off by Mayor Stuart Houston congratulating Pam on her long service by presenting her a certificate on behalf of the City.  The Mayor reflected on how his children had gone to Woodhaven and his memories of Pam as the caring and welcoming face of the school.

Former Principal of Woodhaven, Neil McDowell followed.  Neil hired Pam 30 years ago.  Wodhaven was a Junior High School of 750 students and the office was understaffed. Neil recalled that the job interview lasted 20 seconds.  It was a phone call with one question, "Do you want a job?"  The rest was, as they say, history.

Logan Gibson, a Grade 9 student took the podium next.  He has been a regular visitor to Mrs. Ploude's desk for the past five years.  When asked if he would speak at this event there was not a second of hesitation.  In fact, his response was, "Why wouldn't I!"  Logan spoke from the heart about how Mrs. Plourde made him feel welcome every time he visited her.  He then presented her 500 cards made by students over the past two weeks.

Our School Counsel Chair, Connie Hendry was next to honour Pam.  She announced that Counsel was sponsoring a new award called the Pam Plourde Award for Altruism.  As we all know Pam is the kind of person who is constantly giving of herself without asking for anything in return.  The Counsel thought it fitting to recognize a Woodhaven student who most reflected those same values.  Pam was truly touched by this gesture.

Finally Pam spoke.  In her most gracious and humble way she looked back over the years and how life at Woodhaven had changed during her 30 years.  Gone were the typewriters, in were the computers.  Gone were the chalkboards, in were the smartboards.  In fact she even commented on how underwear was now outerwear.  It was a reflection on a career well lived.

Yes, it was a great event and Pam will be missed by us all.  The Farewell was attended by all generations who have had a connection with Woodhaven.  There were Grade 5 to 9 students, High School students, current university students, current staff, former staff, two former principals,  Pam's closest friends and of course her husband Mike.  This was a real and respectful tribute to a fantastic person with a world class heart.

Thank you to all who helped make this possible.  It was a real Woodhaven team effort combining assistance from students staff and parents.  Special thanks to Mackenzie Harding who provided the excellent piano music throughout the event.

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